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Theory vs Law Poster         Fri. Feb  17th


Horse Logo                        Fri. Mar    3rd


Capstone Apr. 4th    Project Due Fri. Apr14th

Comic Characters                       TBA


Comic Book Cover & Panels       TBA


Print & Graphic Contest        Mon. Apr.  24th

  • T-Shirt, Poster or Package


Software Of Choice Project         TBA


Disgusting Food Project (Final)   TBA


Portfolio Update                   Wed. May 17th    

Last Certification Test Day   Wed. May 17th


Final Exams        Mon - Thurs. May 22nd - 25th


Prima settimana

Seconda settimana



Mr Pickles.gif
PORTAFOGLIO WEB WIX è un semplice creatore di pagine Web che ti consente di guardare migliaia di modelli di siti Web, quindi salvarne uno e modificarlo. Rimuovi le loro foto e inserisci le tue. Rimuovi il loro testo, inserisci il tuo. Modifica delle combinazioni di colori, ecc. Le migliori pagine di portfolio hanno una semplice pagina di destinazione (o Splash) e quindi collegamenti alla tua galleria.

Progetta un portfolio online per te stesso. Includi la tua opera d'arte che hai progettato questo semestre, anno o così lontano durante il tuo tempo in classe. Il tuo nome dovrebbe avere un posto di rilievo nel design.

Le pagine dovrebbero includere:

  • Indice  Pagina - Esempio  Pagina - Informazioni su di te Pagina - Pagina dei contatti

*Le immagini per il caricamento devono essere salvate nei formati di file JPEG, BMP, PNG o TIFF.





Ulteriori informazioni su come ottenere la certificazione del settore



To Access Adobe From Home

  1. Go to

  2. Sign-in in the upper right corner using your r2.d2 and password.


  4. Now, choose Creative Cloud to Download. This will put the links to Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign on your desktop. If you only need one of these or already have one or two installed, look for the individual software you need and download that.

  5. Follow directions once downloaded.


Stampare i tuoi file


Abbiamo una stampante laser Lexmark (C790):

  • Dopo aver premuto stampa, sullo schermo verrà visualizzata una finestra di dialogo.

  • Assicurarsi che sia selezionata la stampante Lexmark C790.

  • Verifica che l'orientamento della carta sia corretto (verticale o orizzontale)

  • Assicurati di scorrere un po' verso il basso e seleziona la casella SCALE TO FIT MEDIA.

  • Stampa con la stampante Lexmark (Copia 2)


  • Per favore NON stampare: lavori di altre classi, meme che hai appena creato e che ritieni siano divertenti ma non lo sono, pagine di colori solidi, lavori che non hanno nulla a che fare con la nostra classe.

  • Puoi perdere i tuoi privilegi di stampa se ciò accade



Save And Upload To Focus

  • All work will be turned in using FOCUS. I will be able to grade your work, count your work and give feedback on your work using Focus. In class, turn in work using the class InBox. Final Project folders will be numbered and titled.    Make-Up work turned in past the due date will not be able to be uploaded in Focus. Use the class In Boxes



  • Grades will be entered within 1 or 2 weeks of turning in your project. Some projects will take one or two days for you to complete, some will take several weeks. Please be patient as grading is completed. Make-Up work or late work is graded at the discretion of the instructor.


Late Work

  • Work turned in late will receive one letter grade lower each day it is late. If it's more than 3 days late without instructor approval, absence, excused absence or extenuating circumstance, not turning in even one project can have a negative effect on your grade. Due Dates are very important in our industry and modeled in our class.


Saving Files

  • .PSD files preserve your layers, allowing you to come back and work on files with all your work preserved.

  • .JPEG files are compressed for display online. 300 resolution or better. Anything below is too blurry.

  • .PNG files are high quality and create a transparent background.

  • .AI files are Adobe Illustrator native


We have a class network to save your class work:

  • It allows you to keep work in class that you are working on. This file contains a folder for your class work. It is where you can keep your design work in class or move things into from your One Drive or your Flash Drive if you do work at home.​


One Drive Cloud Storage - Your Free Cloud Storage Space:

Mr Juuls Grading Poster copy.png


Pick one of the three to enter & work on

Week Eleven
Monday - Friday March 27th - 31st

  • What digital portions need to be worked on and printed here?

  • What will your table look like?

  • What about your portfolio?

  • What are you wearing on Capstone Night (Tech High Shirts or Casual 

      Professional Attire suggested


Print Early!


A grading rubric can be found here.


10 Points Total

  • 1 pt      Pitched the project / Cohesive Proposal

  • 1 pt      Pre-Production Work (Sketches – Illustrations – Thumbnails)

  • 1 pt      What Your Capstone Looks Like - How Its Promoted. Scope Of The Project is present.

  • 3 pt      Artwork as related to your proposal

  • 1 pt      Capstone Presentation (What your space looks like, is designed like, how you present yourself how your product  / game / skillset  

                   is presented to any visitors.)

  • 1 pt      Photo or Video Of Your Set-Up / People Interacting With You

  • 1 pt      Your Portfolio Of Your Work Is On Display (QR Code? Physical? Projected? Laptop?)

  • 1 pt      All work is uploaded to Focus in the format asked for.



All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th


Week Twelve 
Monday - April 3rd

Capstone Night is tomorrow from 6pm - 8pm.

What is your booth looking like?

Porfolios? QR COde? Physical? Laptops? projected?


A grading rubric can be found here.


All Make-Up or Rescheduled Capstone Presentations should be completed by Friday, April 7th to receive credit

All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th at the absolute latest.

Tuesday - April 4th

Capstone Night. 6pm - 8pm.


A grading rubric can be found here.


All Make-Up or Rescheduled Capstone Presentations should be completed by Friday, April 7th to receive credit

All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th at the absolute latest.

Wednesday April 5th - Friday April 7th

PROJECT: Comic Character Design  (Info. Coming Soon)

All Students

Create an 8 1/2" x 11" Project Identification table card using the template example found on the Capstone Information Page For Details.

Use this format, this template, this font, this logo. All of it is located on the Capstone Information Page. Make sure it's visible on Captone night.

Capstone Card Example.jpg

Certification Testing last day is May 8th!
In April & May, these dates Are Not available:

April 4 , April 10,  April 28    May 3, 4, 5


See Mr. Juul to schedule your test date. 

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