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All Students

Create an 8 1/2" x 11" Project Identification table card using the template example found on the Capstone Information Page For Details.

Use this format, this template, this font, this logo. All of it is located on the Capstone Information Page.

Capstone Card Example.jpg

Week Eleven
Monday - Friday March 27th - 31st


Type Character                     Fri. Feb. 17th


Type Portrait                          Fri. Mar. 3rd


Capstone Apr. 4th                 Fri. Apr. 7th


Comic Characters                 Fri. April 21st

  • Character Design

  • Character Families


Print & Graphics Contest(s)   Mon.Apr. 24th

  • Poster, T-Shirt or Package Design


Comic Book Cover & Panels   Fri. April 28th


Software Of Choice Project     Fri. May 12th​


Disgusting Food Project          Fri. May 19th

  • Branding & Marketing


Portfolio Update                       Fri. May 19th


Last Certification Test Day    Wed. May 17th


Final Exams                            May 22nd - 25th

Capstone Project - Production

      Utilizing class time for any of the digital work needed to complete your Capstone

  • Ask questions.

  • Get clarification.

  • Make connections with outside people who can help you make your Capstone rock.

  • Who on your team is doing what? Make a responsibility list

  • What digital portions need to be worked on and printed here?

  • Print Early!

Games should have:

Game Logo, Manufacturer logo (like Parker Brothers), The Box, The Rules,

The Board, The Pieces  A grading rubric can be found here.


10 Points Total For Production And Capstone Presentations

  • 1 pt      Pitched the game / Cohesive Proposal

  • 1 pt      Pre-Production Work (Sketches – Illustrations – Thumbnails)

  • 1 pt      Game Logo (For your game) / Brand Logo (Company that distributes your game)

  • 2 pt      Completed Game Box with Artwork Printed and Affixed. Scored Edges.

  • 1 pt       Rules For Your Game that has Concise Description Of Game Play and The Game extras

                   (pieces / objects you acquire / inventory)

  • 1 pt      Presentation (What your space looks like, is designed like, how you interact with people, how

                   your product  / game / skillset is presented to any visitors.)

  • 1 pt      Photo or Video Of Your Game Set-Up / People Playing  - Interacting With You & Game

  • 1 pt      A link to your Portfolio is present during Capstone. (QR Code. Laptop running your website. Physical artwork in a portfolio)

  • 1 pt      All work is uploaded to Focus or in the desktop link to the class in-box in the format asked for.

                   Isometric picture showing all boards / pieces / box, etc..

  • What digital portions need to be worked on and printed here?

  • What will your table look like?

  • What about your portfolio?

  • What are you wearing on Capstone Night (Tech High Shirts or Casual Professional Attire suggested)


Games should have:

Game Logo, Manufacturer logo (like Parker Brothers), The Box, The Rules, The Board, The Pieces


Print Early!


A grading rubric can be found here.


10 Points Total

  • 1 pt      Pitched the game / Cohesive Proposal

  • 1 pt      Pre-Production Work (Sketches – Illustrations – Thumbnails)

  • 1 pt      Game Logo (For your game) / Brand Logo (Company that distributes your game)

  • 2 pt      Completed Game Box with Artwork Printed and Affixed. Scored Edges.

  • 1 pt       Rules For Your Game that has Concise Description Of Game Play and The Game extras

                   (pieces / objects you acquire / inventory)

  • 1 pt      Presentation (What your space looks like, is designed like, how you present yourself how

                   your product  / game / skillset is presented to any visitors.)

  • 1 pt      Photo or Video Of Your Game Set-Up / People Playing  - Interacting With You & Game

  • 1 pt      Portfolio

  • 1 pt      All work is uploaded to Focus or in the desktop link to the class in-box in the format asked for.

                   Isometric picture showing all boards / pieces / box, etc..


All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th


Week Twelve 
Monday - April 3rd

Capstone Night is April 4th from 6 to 8pm. Be here by 5pm to set up. 

You should be utilizing class time for any of the digital work needed to complete your Capstone project. Ask questions.

Get clarification. Make those connections with outside people who can help you make your Capstone rock!


What digital portions need to be worked on and printed here?

What will your table look like?

What about your portfolio?

What are you wearing on Capstone Night (Tech High Shirts or Casual Professional Attire suggested)


A grading rubric can be found here.


10 Points Total

  • 1 pt      Pitched the game / Cohesive Proposal

  • 1 pt      Pre-Production Work (Sketches – Illustrations – Thumbnails)

  • 1 pt      Game Logo (For your game) / Brand Logo (Company that distributes your game)

  • 2 pt      Completed Game Box with Artwork Printed and Affixed. Scored Edges.

  • 1 pt       Rules For Your Game that has Concise Description Of Game Play and The Game extras

                   (pieces / objects you acquire / inventory)

  • 1 pt      Presentation (What your space looks like, is designed like, how you present yourself how

                   your product  / game / skillset is presented to any visitors.)

  • 1 pt      Photo or Video Of Your Game Set-Up / People Playing  - Interacting With You & Game

  • 1 pt      Portfolio

  • 1 pt      All work is uploaded to Focus or in the desktop link to the class in-box in the format asked for.

                   Isometric picture showing all boards / pieces / box, etc..


All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th

Week Thirteen
Tuesday - April 4th

Capstone Night. 6pm - 8pm.

A grading rubric can be found here.


All Make-Up or Rescheduled Capstone Presentations should be completed by Friday, April 7th to receive credit

All Capstone related work should be uploaded to Focus by Friday, April 7th at the absolute latest.

Wednesday April 5th - Thursday April 6th



We'll be taking some time to create a comic book character, then create their backstory, a trading card like design and a complete comic book cover.  We'll also be working on comic strips and creating a paneled comic strip.


PRE-PRODUCTION Comic Expressions

Your job is to use the Character Expression Challenge sheet on Mr. Juul's desk to illustrate facial expressions based on the prompts. Don't worry about your skill level! Use a mirror or phone mirror and use yourself as inspiration.  When complete, turn this in!



PROJECT:  Comic Style Character Creation and Profile


PROJECT:  Comic Book Cover

Mr Pickles.gif
Obiettivi e scale

Obiettivi e scale per le arti commerciali e digitali


PORTAFOGLIO WEB WIX è un semplice creatore di pagine Web che ti consente di guardare migliaia di modelli di siti Web, quindi salvarne uno e modificarlo. Rimuovi le loro foto e inserisci le tue. Rimuovi il loro testo, inserisci il tuo. Modifica delle combinazioni di colori, ecc. Le migliori pagine di portfolio hanno una semplice pagina di destinazione (o Splash) e quindi collegamenti alla tua galleria.

Progetta un portfolio online per te stesso. Includi la tua opera d'arte che hai progettato questo semestre, anno o così lontano durante il tuo tempo in classe. Il tuo nome dovrebbe avere un posto di rilievo nel design.

Le pagine dovrebbero includere:

  • Indice  Pagina - Esempio  Pagina - Informazioni su di te Pagina - Pagina dei contatti

*Le immagini per il caricamento devono essere salvate nei formati di file JPEG, BMP, PNG o TIFF.





Ulteriori informazioni su come ottenere la certificazione del settore



To Access Adobe From Home

  1. Go to

  2. Sign in the upper right corner using your r2.d2 and password.


  4. Now, choose Creative Cloud to Download. This will put the links to Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign on your desktop. If you only need one of these or already have one or two installed, look for the individual software you need and download that.

  5. Follow directions once downloaded.


Stampare i tuoi file


Abbiamo una stampante laser Lexmark (C790):

  • Dopo aver premuto stampa, sullo schermo verrà visualizzata una finestra di dialogo.

  • Assicurarsi che sia selezionata la stampante Lexmark C790.

  • Verifica che l'orientamento della carta sia corretto (verticale o orizzontale)

  • Assicurati di scorrere un po' verso il basso e seleziona la casella SCALE TO FIT MEDIA.

  • Stampa con la stampante Lexmark (Copia 2)


  • Per favore NON stampare: lavori di altre classi, meme che hai appena creato e che ritieni siano divertenti ma non lo sono, pagine di colori solidi, lavori che non hanno nulla a che fare con la nostra classe.

  • Puoi perdere i tuoi privilegi di stampa se ciò accade



Consegnare i tuoi incarichi

Salva e carica per mettere a fuoco

  • Tutto il lavoro verrà consegnato utilizzando FOCUS . Sarò in grado di valutare il tuo lavoro, contare il tuo lavoro e fornire feedback sul tuo lavoro utilizzando Focus. In classe, consegna il lavoro utilizzando la classe InBox. Le cartelle del progetto finale saranno numerate e intitolate.



  • I voti verranno inseriti entro due settimane dalla consegna del progetto. Alcuni progetti richiederanno uno o due giorni per essere completati, altri diverse settimane. Si prega di pazientare mentre la valutazione è completata.


Salvataggio di file Photoshop

  • I file .PSD preservano i tuoi livelli, permettendoti di tornare indietro e lavorare sui file con tutto il tuo lavoro preservato.

  • I file .JPEG sono compressi per la visualizzazione online. Risoluzione 300 o superiore. Tutto ciò che segue è troppo sfocato.

  • I file .PNG sono di alta qualità e creano uno sfondo trasparente.


Abbiamo una rete di classi per salvare il tuo lavoro di classe:

  • Ti consente di mantenere il lavoro in classe su cui stai lavorando. Questo file contiene una cartella per il lavoro in classe. È dove puoi tenere il tuo lavoro di progettazione in classe o spostare le cose dal tuo One Drive o dalla tua Flash Drive se lavori a casa.​

Mr Juuls Grading Poster copy.png
Mr Juuls Grading Poster copy.png

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